We are developing a series of short courses and workshops where you can learn skills and concepts related to historic preservation.

Local Data 101

A course on making maps, visualizations, seeing trends and patterns in data about historic places and the past. Follow the Local Data 101 GitHub repo for updates.

Preservation Advocacy 101

A course on the nuts-and-bolts of nonprofit advocacy for historic buildings and neighborhoods. We developed a prototype of this course for a Baltimore Heritage board training in March 2016. The training was based on the Baltimore Heritage advocacy guide published in November 2015.

Directory: Online Communities for Historic Preservation

Historic Neighborhoods 101

A course for neighborhood leaders working at the intersection of historic preservation and community development issues. We developed a prototype of this course focused on vacant housing for a public workshop in November 2015.

Directory: Preservation, Housing and Community Development Resources.

Explore Baltimore Heritage 101

A course designed to teach local residents how to research, write and share the stories of historic places in their communities. Follow the Explore Baltimore Heritage 101 GitHub repo for updates or explore the course website.

Map: Find Help for House Histories