Creator: Eli Pousson

Publisher: Baltimore Heritage and Local Preservation School

Publication Date:


Difficulty: Beginner 

License: CC BY Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Project State: page.state  

Repository: baltimoreheritage/explore-101

Baltimore Heritage delivered Explore Baltimore Heritage 101 as a free series of community classes in June and July 2016 for residents interested in learning how to tell the stories behind local buildings and neighborhoods. Each class was two hours long—enough time for a quick presentation about the topic of the week, discussion and questions, and hands-on projects and activities where participants practiced writing compelling stories and creative visual projects. Between each class, we shared readings, videos, and more educational activities.

Baltimore Heritage published the course materials in a shared Google Drive folder with activities, related readings, and sample materials for each session: research, writing, visuals and outreach. Presentations created with reveal.js from each session are available online:

Baltimore Heritage is in the process of turning these materials into self-guided tutorials for the Explore Baltimore Heritage 101 course website and writing guidelines for anyone interested in adapting our course materials for other historic communities.