Mapping neighborhood land use
The map and key on the following page describe the general pattern of land uses for the Washington Square West neighborhood. As the map indicates, most of the area is residential. However, there are a variety of other uses including areas of institutional use (hospitals, education and religious use), parks and recreation and a small neighborhood commercial district that is entirely within the neighborhood boundaries. The key identifies the type of use and could include a brief description to clarify the activity located in that area of the neighborhood.
Landuse photographs
- Low Density Residential
- Institutional
- Commercial
- Open Space
- High Density Residential
- Mixed Use
Exercise 3: Create a Diagrammatic Land Use Map
- Using the eight land use categories listed above, create a general land use map of your neighborhood similar to the one for Washington Square West.
- Describe each land use category and activity in the key.
- Include at least one digital photograph of each land use area.